Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Olympic Contest Final Results

Well the final results are in. Thanks to everyone for making this our most successful Box Tops Contest ever. MOE earned $856 in this contest alone. And now a drum roll for the winners. Ms. Kivenen's class came in first place with 856 Box Tops. Ms. Revels class was in second place with 703 Box Tops and Ms. Brewer's class came in third place with 497 Box Tops. Ms. Kivinen's class will enjoy a Popsicle party and receive Gold Medals. Ms. Revels class will enjoy a Cookies and Milk party and Silver Medals. Ms. Brewer's class will receive Box Tops goodie bags and bronze medals.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this contest. As a reminder, at the end of the school year, the top three Box Tops contributing students will receive gift cards to Target for $25, $15 and $10 respectively.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Olympic Contest Update as of 9/26/08

Our Box Tops Olympic Contest is going great! Since the last update, Ms. Kivenen's class has blasted into first place with 815 Box Tops! Currently Ms. Mullis's class is in second place with 301 Box Tops and right on their heels in third place is Ms. Brewer's class with 287 Box Tops. There is still time to get your class in the lead. The contest ends on October 28th so send in those Box Tops today. Out of 900+ students at Manning Oaks, only about 10% are currently submitting Box Tops. Imagine how much Manning Oaks would earn if every student participated. It would be off the charts! If you're not sure which products carry the official Box Tops coupons, just click on the link to print out a list of participating products. Thanks to all you parents, students and teachers that are taking part in the Box Tops program. It's never too late to start. Please join me in making this our best Box Tops year ever!

Maureen Reese
Box Tops Coordinator

Monday, September 15, 2008

Let's get Manning Oaks on this list

I am so glad that you stopped by to visit. Look around the website and you will find lots of great information about Box Tops. Click on the link above and you will see the top ten Box Tops earning schools in the state of Georgia. Manning Oaks earned $1367.70 last year and I think we can blow that record out of the water. If you have been watching the Olympics, you probably saw a lot of records getting broken. To break a record requires commitment, determination and passion. It pays to be passionate about Box Tops, just ask any of the schools on that list.

There are lots of ways we can work towards breaking our record. In addition to clipping Box Tops, ask grandparents or neighbors without kids if they will collect Box Tops for you. Box Tops are found on so many products that almost everyone would find Box Tops in their home if they took jsut a few moments to look. Parents, maybe you can ask your boss if you can leave a shoe-box sized container at your workplace that says "Help support Manning Oaks Elementary". Does your neighborhood have a newsletter? Maybe you can advertize that you are collecting Box Tops and would gladly accept any Box Top donations. If you get creative, there are lots of ways you can collect Box Tops. Remember, each Box Top is worth ten cents to our school and that adds up FAST! When you are grocery shopping,look for brands that carry the Box Tops logo. New products are added regularly. For a complete list of participating brands, just click a link over on the right side of this page.

Once again thanks for visiting. Just the fact that you are here suggests that you are passionate about Box Tops. Let's put our passion to work and hopefully next year Manning Oaks will be on that list! Email me if you have any questions about Box Tops!


Sunday, September 14, 2008

Olympic Contest Update as of 9/14/18

Our Olympic Box Tops contest is off to a great start! In the first week of the contest, over 1800 Box Tops were turned in. Thank you so much to everyone who has submitted Box Tops so far. The class that turns in the most Box Tops during this contest will win Gold Medals, a Popsicle party and goodie bag. The class in second place will win Silver medals, and a cookies and milk party. The class in third place will win Bronze Medals and a goodie bag. Right now Ms. Mullis' class is in the lead with 290 Box Tops. In a very close second place is Ms. Kivenen's class with 280 Box Tops. The class that is currently in third place is Ms. Brewer's class with 204 Box Tops. The contest deadline is October 28th so there is still time to Go for the Gold and get your class in the lead!

You may have noticed the new Box Tops collection cubby outside the cafeteria. This cubby is easy for the kids to reach and has lots of space to accommodate collection sheets and baggies. If your not currently clipping, it's never to late to start. Box Tops can be found on so many products that you use in your home every day. Click on the link to the right to print out more collection sheets or if you would like a complete list of participating Box Tops products. If you have submitted over 50 or 100 Box Tops, you will see your name in our Super Star Contributor corner on the top of this page. Don't forget that at the end of the year, our top three individual Box Tops Contributors will win Target Gift Certificates for $25, $15 or $10 as well as a cool Box Tops T-shirt.

Maureen Reese
Box Tops Coordinator

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Box Tops Poem Entry

Box Tops is having a poem contest to find the Coordinator who is the most passionate about Box Tops! Well, I think I am definitely passionate about Box Tops and hopefully this poem will prove it. The Coordinator who submits the winning poem receives 10,000 Box Tops for their school. That's a thousand dollars! The contest results will be out in late September so I will keep you posted.

Box Tops Poem

Collecting Box Tops is so fun
Our school earns money, we make a ton

Just clip the Box Tops from items galore
You'll find Box Tops throughout the store

On cereals, on brownies, on pastas and snacks
They're even on diapers, imagine that!

Each Box Top is worth a dime
Sometimes double or triple which is mightyfine

It's Hip to Clip is what I say
So clip those Box Tops every day

Then send them to school in a baggie so neat
Or attach them to a collection sheet

Soon a check will arrive to buy stuff for school
Like computers and supplies that are really cool

Everyone do your part to contribute this year
We all need to help, it's so perfectly clear

In 1996 General Mills began
this awesome, amazing Box Tops program

We thank you so much for supporting our schools
I'm passionate about Box Tops


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Let's group our Publix Box Tops Codes

Hey parents,

If you have been shopping at Publix and picked up some of the Box tops products that contain the peel off code but don't have enough to make the required amount (8 codes for 50 Box Tops, 12 codes for 100 Box tops) or if you have more than twelve and want to donate some email me at thereeseclan@bellsouth.net and we will see if we can group some together. I currently have 10 and need 2 more to make 12 and get the 100 Box Top Bonus. No sense letting these go to waste as it is easy cash for our school. If you are not familiar with the peel of Box Tops that Publix is offering for a limited time, please read my previous post below! Thanks for all you do to support the Box Tops Program.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Publix makes it easy to earn Bonus Box Tops!

Wow, Publix supermarkets are making it really easy to earn Bonus Box Tops right now. For a limited time, many of the Box Tops brands found at Publix, have a peel off Box Top code on the front of the package. This bonus Box Top is in addition to the regular Box Top coupon on the Box. On the back of the peel off coupon you will find a code that you will input at http://www.publixboxtops.com/. From now until September 30th you can take advantage of this special offer that earns big for Manning Oaks. For every 6 products that you purchase with the special Box Tops code, our school will receive 30 Bonus Box Tops. Purchase 8 and get 50 additional Box Tops and withe the purchase of 12 of these specially marked Box Tops products, our school will receive 100 BONUS BOX TOPS! I shopped at Publix earlier this week and found the special peel off sticker on Fruit Roll Ups, Fruit by the Foot and many of the General Mills Cereals. I really think this is a fabulous way for us to earn cash for our school. If every family at Manning Oaks purchased twelve of these specially marked Box Tops products, our school would earn over $8000! Please help support our school by participating in this wonderful promotion. Remember, these coupons can only be redeemed online at http://www.publixboxtops.com/ until September 30th. You can even check how much our school has earned when you visit this site! As of right now, Manning Oaks had earned $5.80. Check back frequently to see how our schook is doing.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Earn 5 Bonus Box Tops just by signing up!

Right now, every parent that signs up for the free newsletter, will win 5 free Box Tops for our school. If every student at Manning Oaks had a parent sign up we could earn over four hundred dollars for our school. This is a very easy way to earn cash for our school parents and it's so easy! When you sign up for the Box Tops Newsletter, you will be able to find out about the latest Box Tops contests and promotions, get great recipies, and be the first to learn when new new products start to carry the Box Tops label. It pays to be passionate wiht Box Tops and Ih ope you will join me and being passionate about Box Tops here at Manning Oaks. Just click on the link above to sign up!

Triple Bonus Brands for a Limited Time!

Right now, hundreds of your favorite products are carrying 2 Bonus Box Tops—plus the regular Box Top—for triple the earnings, or 30¢, on every package! Be sure to take advantage of this limited-time earnings opportunity to stock up on the things you need—and earn extra cash for Manning Oaks at the same time.
I went to Publix today and they even have a Buy One, Get One Free offer on many Bonus Box Tops products including Fruit Rolls Ups, Old El Paso Taco Kits, Nature's Valley Granola Bars, Hamburger Helper and Pop Secret Microwave Popcorn!

Look for double Bonus Box Tops on these and many more brands, now through September at stores near you: • Betty Crocker® Cookie Mix • Betty Crocker® Fruit-Flavored Snacks • Betty Crocker® Potatoes • Betty Crocker® Warm Delights® Desserts • Cheerios® Cereals • Chex Mix® Snack Mix • Cinnamon Toast Crunch® Cereals • Cookie Crisp® Cereals • Country Hearth® Bread • Green Giant® Giant Bites™ Vegetables • Hamburger Helper® Mix• Nature Valley® Granola Bars • Old El Paso® Taco Kits • Pillsbury® Ready-to-Bake!™ Cookies • Pillsbury® Toaster Strudel™ Pastries• Pop Secret® Microwave Popcorn • Reese’s® Puffs® Cereal• Suddenly Salad® Mixes • Yoplait® Go-GURT® Yogurt • Yoplait® Trix® Yogurt

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Submit your Publix Boxtops Online!

Buy any 12 participating Box Tops for Education products at Publix between now and February 15th 2008 and earn up to 100 Bonus Box Tops for Manning Oaks. You can also enter for a chance to win a $100 Publix Gift Card! I just went to Publix tonight so I could see exactly how it works. Only certain Box Tops products carry this special promotion but they are very easy to identify by the green and purple peel off sticker. In the cereal aisle, we found them on Honey Nut Cheerios and Cinnamon Toast Crunch. In the snack section we found them on Nature Valley snack bars (all varieties). Incidentally, the snack bars also carry a $1 off Publix in store coupon. In the baking section we found the peel off sticker on Betty Crcoker Muffin Mixes (all varieties).
This program has amazing potential to earn big for Manning Oaks. It is unlike "typical" BoxTops promotions as it is entered online. When I got home, I peeled off the little stickers from the twelve Box Tops items that I had purchased and I went to the Publix website http://www.publixboxtops.com/ All you do is enter the 14 digit code from each one of the items and Publix mails you a coupon for 30, 50 or 100 Box Tops! It's that easy!
Each family can earn up to 100 Box Tops for Manning Oaks by buying up to 12 Boxtops products with peel off labels. Grandparents and other relatives can also enter and earn (by designating Manning Oaks as their school of choice). EACH HOUSEHOLD ADDRESS can earn up to 100 Box Tops!!! The promotion ends on 2/15. It is all online!!!!! Please take advantage of this easy and wonderful way to earn cash for our school!