Maureen Reese
Box Tops Coordinator
Our Olympic Box Tops contest is off to a great start! In the first week of the contest, over 1800 Box Tops were turned in. Thank you so much to everyone who has submitted Box Tops so far. The class that turns in the most Box Tops during this contest will win Gold Medals, a Popsicle party and goodie bag. The class in second place will win Silver medals, and a cookies and milk party. The class in third place will win Bronze Medals and a goodie bag. Right now Ms. Mullis' class is in the lead with 290 Box Tops. In a very close second place is Ms. Kivenen's class with 280 Box Tops. The class that is currently in third place is Ms. Brewer's class with 204 Box Tops. The contest deadline is October 28th so there is still time to Go for the Gold and get your class in the lead!
You may have noticed the new Box Tops collection cubby outside the cafeteria. This cubby is easy for the kids to reach and has lots of space to accommodate collection sheets and baggies. If your not currently clipping, it's never to late to start. Box Tops can be found on so many products that you use in your home every day. Click on the link to the right to print out more collection sheets or if you would like a complete list of participating Box Tops products. If you have submitted over 50 or 100 Box Tops, you will see your name in our Super Star Contributor corner on the top of this page. Don't forget that at the end of the year, our top three individual Box Tops Contributors will win Target Gift Certificates for $25, $15 or $10 as well as a cool Box Tops T-shirt.
Maureen Reese
Box Tops Coordinator