Saturday, February 27, 2010

Message from your Box Tops Coordinator!

I just wanted to take a moment to thank all the wonderful students, parents and teachers that continue to make the Box Tops program successful here at Manning Oaks. Despite the fact that we lost a lot of students with the recent redistricting effort, our earnings for the 2009-2010 school year ($1341.31) are still higher than they were for the 2009-2009 school year (1261.00). Even though the year is not yet over, our last submission deadline for this school year will be processed this month.

I would also like to congratulation Ms. Kivenen's class who earned a Pizza Party for turning in over 1500 Box Tops during our last contest. Ms. Kivinen also won lunch from Mittie's restaurant, delivered to the school.

With budget funding for schools on the rise, the Box Tops program is a great way resource to tap into for funding programs that may experience severe cuts. Although our Box Tops program at Manning Oaks is profitable, there are currently only about 20% of students that currently take part in the program. The maximum earnings we can receive from General Mills Box Tops in any calendar year is $20,000. While $1341in earnings is wonderful, we are barely scratching the surface of what is possible!

I hope that the passion for Box Tops at Manning Oaks will continue to grow and we can become one of the Top Ten Box Tops earning schools in the state! Once again, that would go a long way in helping to fund programs that could receive budget cuts.

Please don't hesitate to contact me at any time if you have questions about the Box Tops program or if you would like to assist in promoting Box Tops in your child's classroom.

Thank you

Maureen Reese

Box Tops Coordinator for Manning Oaks Elementary