Next time you head to Sam's or Costco, look for the Bonus Box Tops logo on over forty different products. These Bonus Box Tops are each worth 50 cents to Manning Oaks. That really adds up fast. Last time we went shopping at Costco we brought home six products that had Bonus Box Tops. I go through a lot of cereal with four kids in our house. We found Bonus Box Tops on Cheerios and Cinnamon Toast Crunch which are favorites in this family. You can also find Bonus Box Tops on warehouse sized Lucky Charms, Cocoa Puffs and Kix for a limited time.
In the snack section I picked up Nature Valley Fruit and Nut Bars carrying Bonus Box Tops and packages of Fruit Roll ups had one too. We found another Bonus Box Top on Tostinos Pizza Rolls.
If you plan on doing some Holiday Baking, look for Bonus Box Tops on several Baking products including Betty Crocker Peanut Butter Cookie Mix, Pilsbury Ready to Bake Cookies in both sugar and shape cookie varieties. In just one trip to Costco, our Bonus Box tops earned $3.00 for MOE.
Parents, clipping Box Tops is one of the easiest ways we can earn money for our school! Thank you for those of you that are diligent Box Tops clippers! It's never too late to jump on board and start clipping today!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Bonus Box Tops Galore at Sam's and Costco
Friday, November 9, 2007
Fall Contest Results
The Fall Box Tops Contest has ended and what a huge success it was! Over five thousand Box Tops were contributed during the contest which earned more than five hundred dollars for Manning Oaks!
And now for the winners...........
Well done to Mrs. Strickland's third grade class who came out in the lead with 520 Box Tops contributed by their class alone! Pictured above is Ms. Strickland's class enjoying their popsicle party.
Ryan Symons in Ms. Revels first grade is our other contest winner! Ryan contributed 371 Box Tops during the Fall Contest and has won a $25 gift card from Target! Way to go Ryan!
There were so many individuals that turned in amazing numbers of Box Tops. Everyone that turned in more than fifty Box Tops is listed below in the "Fabulous Fifty Club" club. Those that turned in more than one hundred Box Tops are listed in the "Happening Hundred Club".
Fabulous Fifty Plus Club
Thank you parents, students and faculty for all your hard work collecting Box Tops!
Maureen Reese
Box Tops Coordinator
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