Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Boys Vs. Girls Contest Update!

It's official! Girls have taken the lead

in the Boys vs. Girls Box Tops contest.

Girls now lead boys with

3032 Box Tops vs. 2588!

Girls, if you want to hold on to that lead, keep those Box Tops coming in. Boys, if you want to get back in first place you do the same. Boys and girls, get creative and see if grandparents, friends and neighbors can collect Box Tops. Parents, send me an email if you would like a shoe box sized collection box for your workplace.

Ms. Corin's class is leading in participation and don't forget the first class to have everyone turn in Box Tops will earn a fabulous Popsicle party. To make it even easier, each student just needs to ten in AT LEAST TEN BOX TOPS! That's right, the first class to have each student turn in at least ten Box Tops will win the Popsicle party. The teacher of the winning class will also receive a delicious lunch from Mittie's restaurant delivered to the school! Teachers don't forget to remind your students to turn in Box Tops so you can win the gourmet lunch!

The top contributing boy and girl in each grade will be entered in a drawing to win their choice of a Webkinz, or two tickets to AMC theaters. Also, the top three Box Tops contributors will earn a gift card to Target for $25, $15 or $10.

There are so many ways to win so keep those Box Tops coming in! If your not collecting it's never to late to start. There are hundreds of products at your local grocery store that carry Box Tops. You can even print out a list of products that carry Box Tops by clicking on the link over to the right.