Saturday, November 6, 2010

Hundreds of products now carry the Box Tops Logo!

Did you know that hundreds of products now carry the Box Tops logo? Not only our favorite General Mills Cereals like Cheerios and Lucky Charms but also Hamburger Helper, Huggies products, Old El Paso Products, Juicy Juice and even Progresso soups. In fact, if you visit your local grocery store, it would be difficult to find an aisle that doesn't contain a Box Top product.

Just print out the complete list of Participating Products by clicking on the link above and take it with you next time you head out to the grocery store. Each Box Tops you clip is worth 10 cents to our school. The earnings from the Box Tops program are used to enhance your child's education at Manning Oaks through great programs like Accelerated Reader, Math Facts in a Flash and Science Labs. Additionally, the PTA was able to provide grade level grants this year to teachers for supplies, field trips and other programs that benefit students at Manning Oaks.

So, please help support the Manning Oaks PTA by clipping Box Tops and sending them to school in a baggie or envelope on a handy collection sheet!