Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Fall Box Tops Contest

Hopefully everyone has been saving Box Tops all summer because we are about to kick off our biggest Box Tops Contest ever! We will have more prizes than ever before and every student that turns in at least 20 Box Tops (or one collection sheet) will earn a prize. We have so many prizes and the more Box Tops you turn in , the more prizes you earn! Remember Box Tops are found on hundreds of products at your local grocery and retail stores. Each Box Top is worth ten cents for MOE! Each collection sheet (or 20 Box Tops) will earn you the following prizes......

One sheet - you earn a Box Tops Sticker!

Two sheets - gets you a sticker and a cool Box Tops Magnet!

Three sheets - will earn you a Sticker, a Magnet, and a Pencil

Four sheets - these super Box Tops contributors will receive a Sticker, a Magnet, a Pencil and a Box Tops bookmark!

Five or more sheets will earn you all of the above plus a Tie-Dye
Box Tops Wristband!

But wait, there's more......the student who turns in the most Box Tops during this contest will receive a $20 Target Gift Card. Did I mention that the top Box Tops contributor in each grade will receive a fabulous Box Tops T-shirt?

Let's not forget our terrific teachers. The teacher whose class turns in the most Box Tops will receive lunch from Mittie's cafe.

If you prefer to submit Box Tops in a Ziploc baggie or envelope, that is fine too. Each twenty Box Tops counts as a level for prize purposes. Don't forget to put your child's name, grade and teacher's name on the collection sheet, baggie or envelope.

Prizes will be awarded weekly

Contest ends October 29th!