Friday, September 26, 2008

Olympic Contest Update as of 9/26/08

Our Box Tops Olympic Contest is going great! Since the last update, Ms. Kivenen's class has blasted into first place with 815 Box Tops! Currently Ms. Mullis's class is in second place with 301 Box Tops and right on their heels in third place is Ms. Brewer's class with 287 Box Tops. There is still time to get your class in the lead. The contest ends on October 28th so send in those Box Tops today. Out of 900+ students at Manning Oaks, only about 10% are currently submitting Box Tops. Imagine how much Manning Oaks would earn if every student participated. It would be off the charts! If you're not sure which products carry the official Box Tops coupons, just click on the link to print out a list of participating products. Thanks to all you parents, students and teachers that are taking part in the Box Tops program. It's never too late to start. Please join me in making this our best Box Tops year ever!

Maureen Reese
Box Tops Coordinator